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(Tem)Portalers Podcast | Logo Design

(Tem)Portalers Podcast

The (Tem)Portalers Podcast came about in a conversation with friends as an excuse to play more role-playing game systems a cohesive storyline. This is an unusual endeavor, but as we all thought about it and put together a list of the systems we were interested in trying, (Tem)Portalers was born.

​This project was very collaborative from the beginning. Everything was decided as a group, though those with more knowledge in certain areas were tasked and trusted with specific aspects. To decide on a name, we had to nail down our ideas and flesh them into something tangible. Then, through trial and error, we landed on (Tem)Portalers. This is a mashup of “temporal” and “portals”, and, we found with a Google search, quite unique. The main themes in this podcast are characters not only traveling through dimensions and portals, but time itself. The name is quite fitting.

​From there I did some sketches, and we determined a design direction. The final product was so fun to create, and this podcast has given me such joy. Not only in playing and recording the episodes, but in using my skills as a designer to help share this with others

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